Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Interested In Earning Online

Here’s How…


My name is Marilyn Park.

I own a website that makes $500 -$1000 per day with members filling forms, entering data and clicking on ads for me. I don’t make any big promises nor do I offer a get-rich scheme to them.

So you may ask, “What is it that makes my online business successful?”

Apart from a drive to attain financial freedom, I make sure that I put across a real earning opportunity that will actually pay money to people who work with me. That’s where most people get conned. In the virtual world, reality may be very different from what you see or read.

Perhaps you have seen or heard about the much hyped power of the Internet to turn common people into billionaires. If you have read and gotten impressed with any such story, I suggest you ignore it!

No doubt you can earn a lot from the web but it is no jackpot that can be won in a single day. Initially, the most you can expect to see as returns will be a few cents or if you’re lucky, a few dollars per month.

This DOES NOT mean that you are a failure. It simply means that you failed to understand the workings of the Internet business you chose to start with. Remember, 90% of success is perseverance…

If you are not ready to do a “data entry” job online, you can still make money on the Internet. Out of the innumerable ways to start earning on the web, one of the simplest and most rewarding can be selling e-books on eBay.

No need to have a website or put in more than an hour each day!

Let’s start from the basics….

Resale rights are a MUST for selling e-books on eBay. So how will you make sure of that? I suggest two alternatives for this:

a) Check if the e-book mentions whether you can resale the e-book or not.
b) If not, register the e-book to get a license

When you’re sure that you can sell the e-books on eBay, get ready to make good money. A few smart moves and targeting the right audience…voila!

If you could make the time to go through an eBay Powerseller, you can make money by selling books and other stuff on eBay. Go online and read through the coaching package available at eBay to start the money rolling today!

Now I’ll tell you another way to create and sell your own e-books.

a) Search for directories having articles with private label rights.
b) Fill websites and blogs with them according to user demand
c) Insert affiliate links in these articles to earn commission when a user clicks on your links and purchases something.

There you go!

I hope this information has been helpful to you and will be useful reference when you start your own internet business.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Simple Steps To Debt Reduction And Financial Freedom

If you are looking for ways to get rid of your debt burden or avoid being trapped in debt, you need to have a plan.

To eliminate the nagging of old, accumulated debts and avoid fear of potential debt, read on and discover simple steps to debt reduction and financial freedom. Now, you can regain control of your finances with these steps.

Step 1
Make a list of all your debts, starting with the smallest debts and ending with the largest amounts of debt. Write down the interest rate of each and the largest high-interest debts should come before the largest low-interest debts.

Step 2
Keep paying the minimum on all debts and put extra money towards the smallest balances first. By doing so, you will feel motivated and have the power to eliminate your debt. Soon, you will be paying off even more of your debts and getting rid of all your credit, one by one.

Step 3
After paying off one debt completely, add the funds that you were paying towards that debt to the next debt on your list. This is called ‘rolling your payments forward’. For example, if you are making $150 payments to your smallest debt, you will add that $150 each month to the next debt on your list once the previous debt has been paid off.

Step 4
Once all your debts have been paid off, cross them off your list. Take the money being used to pay these debts and put it in savings or towards your investments. This ensures that you are not creating a higher cost of living for yourself once your debts are paid.

Isn’t that great?

It’s as simple as 1-2-3!

All you need to do is make an effective plan and develop the discipline for a bright financial future as it helps you to pay off your debts and advance towards your dream of financial freedom.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

The Realistic Way Of Achieving Financial Freedom

We are all searching for the magic formula that will put our business on the fast track to success and let us enjoy the money inflow without any botheration. Are you looking for the same thing?

Admit it or not…everyone wants and deserves financial freedom. That’s precisely the reason why you are reading this article right now. Like everyone else, you would like to discover the hidden trick or magic system that will make your financial freedom dreams come true.

Don’t get disappointed when I tell you that there is no such thing…

You must STOP looking for the silver bullet and START focusing on what you actually want to do. Confused? Then answer this question…What does rich mean to you?

It means different things to different people. My financial goals are surely different from yours. What we have in common is the drive to achieve our personal financial freedom. This article will not tell you about the next big money making scheme or give any sort of marketing material. In fact, you will get to know about the ways to make real money with your internet business.

First of all, you will need a product and website for selling it. You can keep adding new tools to the site and keep 100% profits from sale. The trick is to have full control over the sales letter so that you can set the price and add any bonus material you want to. Your credit card payments also need to be processed through reliable third party software like PayPal and 2Checkout.

Even if you are ready with a killer website, it’s of no use until people come to know about it. What you need is traffic. Honestly, traffic exchange programs don’t work. A more powerful tool for generating traffic is the pay-per-click engines like Google, Overture, 7search and FindWhat. Another great idea is to start a blog which will allow search engines to index your pages much faster and get higher rankings.

Now that you have started promoting your website, let me tell you about my website. Apart from blogging and pay-per-click programs, I have placed an unblockable popup window on every doorway page to sign up for my newsletter. If nothing else, I can at least capture the email address of visitors and get a few clicks on the Google AdSense ads.

A useful tip…make your website even more profitable by giving away free stuff with lots of references to other web sites. Of course, it MUST contain viral marketing built in. keep checking your website stats to see if it is working.

You’re right. That’s a lot of work!

BUT think of the profits you can make from it. if you create a sales website each month, it won’t take more than 6 months to break even and after that, you will be making net profits. You have to be realistic while making profit estimates and once you get the hang of it, your online business can be a great way to financial freedom.